3 Reasons Why Fixed Electricity Supply Rates are Better Than Variable

Consumer advocates and officials in many states have expressed concern with electricity supply companies who offer variable rate plans.   Several New England states are going so far as to discuss how to further regulate and make variable rate plans more transparent for consumers.

At Provider Power we don’t believe that variable rate plans are in the best interest of the consumers.  Not only can they be detrimental to our pocketbooks, but the “unknown” that comes with variable rate plans can be tough on the nerves.  Imagine not having any idea how much your power bill will be?  Not a good feeling.

Here are the benefits of a fixed rate plan:.

*Protection from fluctuations in the market. No worries about electricity rate spikes.

*Security and Budgeting.  If you know who much power you use, you can easily predict how much your bill will be.

*Power in Your Hands. Longer term fixed rates mean you don’t have to worry about what your utility will offer for default/standard rate.  Will utilities changing their supply rates every 6-12 months, what you pay is out of your hands.  With fixed contracts the power is in your hands.


Utility Supply Rates Soar While ENH Power Keeps Prices in Check

As New Hampshire residential and small businesses receive their first electric bills in 2015, those who have selected ENH Power are feeling pretty good about their decision. Consumers who haven’t switched from their utility are paying higher electricity supply rates with PSNH, Unitil, Liberty and New Hampshire Electric Co-op. Depending on the utility, the savings can be as much as 24%.

Utility supply price increases are a result of our region’s dependency on natural gas for the production of electricity. When demand (in the colder months) for that commodity goes up, the prices do as well.

ENH Power, part of the Provider Power family of companies (with Electricity Maine and Provider Power Mass), is able to keep prices lower due to it’s sophisticated buying capabilities. We shop the market and purchase electricity on an hourly basis to take advantage of dips in the energy market which allows us to provide competitive fixed electricity rates to customers.

Unlike some other supply companies, ENH Power only offers fixed rate plans. We believe this is the best way to protect our customers from the extreme fluctuations that can result in high electricity bills during the winter and summer months when electricity usage is at its highest because of increases in heating, air conditioning or other needs.

We have heard too many sad stories of consumers who have gone with variable rate plans during the spring and fall months, when variable rates are often lower, only to find those savings lost later by paying much more on electricity over the course of the year than they would have on a fixed rate plan.

Make sure you’re friends and family benefit from ENH Power’s lower fixed electricity supply rates. Refer them to our website at enhpower.com.