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Locking in your electricity rate is a lot like locking in your home heating oil price for the year.

The energy industry is volatile, wholesale energy rates can fluctuate. Our experts forecast demand and we set fixed prices that protect our customers from drastic price changes.




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Our terms are designed to protect customers, not milk them for money.

We never offer artificially low introductory rates to lure in customers, then change them to high variable rates after a short introductory term. We believe that protecting our customers is the best strategy for success.




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We’re a New England company creating local jobs with good wages and benefits.

In addition to donating thousands of dollars to nearly 100 non-profit organizations throughout New England, our Power to Help program gives residents monthly energy savings tips to help them save money.




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Just like you, we don’t like it when people call our house or knock on our door trying to sell us something.

Provider Power Mass does not engage in door-to-door or telephone solicitation. Some Competitive Electricity Suppliers do use these methods however, resulting in a variety of consumer complaints about false energy saving offers. If you or someone you know have concerns, we encourage you to report it to your Consumer Protection Division.


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[fancy_header type=”2″ subtitle=”Sign Up Now!”]Ready to give us a try?[/fancy_header]

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