Leila Villeneuve, Program Manager (L) and Patti Stolte, Director of Elderly Programs from North Country Senior Meals (R) received a check for $375 from the ENH Power’s Power to Help fund.
Through their Power to Help initiative, ENH Power recently presented a check for $375 to North Country Senior Meals.
A Tri-County Community Action Agency, North Country Senior Meals offers nutritious meals in community settings, to elder citizens across northern New Hampshire. In addition they offer social contact and other activities that along with delicious meals provide the means for healthy again and independent living.
As a New England owned company, ENH Power shares in the responsibility to build community. That’s why the Power to Help Fund was created, to help Fund local organizations do what they do best…help people.
To learn more about the Power to Help visit www.enhpower.com, for more information about the services offered by North Country Senior meals, visit tccap.org/senior_nutrition.htm
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