Why were our owners recognized by Barbara Bush at a Walker’s Point Event?

Provider Power owners Emile Clavet and Kevin Dean were among the guests at a June 26 reception held at Walker’s Point, the home of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and Former First Lady Barbara Bush.  The gathering took place following the announcement of the Barbara Bush Foundation’s new Teen Trendsetters grants in Maine.


Emile Clavet, co-owner of Electricity Maine/Provider Power and his wife Jane, meet with former First Lady Barbara Bush at Walker’s Point.

Kevin Dean, co-owner of Electricity Maine and his wife Cookie, visit with former First Lady Barbara Bush.

Kevin Dean, co-owner of Electricity Maine/Provider Power and his wife Cookie, visit with former First Lady Barbara Bush.

A donation from Electricity Maine, through the Power to Help fund, along with a major grant from the John T Gorman Foundation, is helping to fund these teen mentoring programs. Each of the 20 Teen Trendsetters programs will pair 15-20 high school students with 15-20 1st graders who are struggling readers. The teen mentors will meet with their first grader for 1 hour once a week during the school year to work on reading skills using a curriculum designed in partnership with Scholastic.

Along with ENH Power and Provider Power Mass, Electricity Maine is part of the Provider Power family of companies.

Emile Clavet (left) and Kevin Dean, owners of Electricity Maine present a check for $20,000 to Becky Dyer of the Barbara Bush Foundation.

On April 16, Emile Clavet (left) and Kevin Dean, owners of Electricity Maine present a check for $20,000 to Becky Dyer of the Barbara Bush Foundation.












Residents of CA, DC, DE, IN, MD, MA, ME, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, VA: Did you know that thanks to deregulation, consumers can often save money on their electric bill?

Posted on July 3, 2014 in Electricity Maine, ENH Power

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