I’m sure you’re already well aware of the two new iPhone 6’s that recently hit the market. I’m usually not one to go out and buy the latest new things, but I did get this one. After all, the phone I had before was sooo 2010.
It seems as though technology innovation is moving at a faster-than-ever pace, and keeping up with the latest trends can be important to some. If you’re like me—always on the computer or laptop, or simply perusing the different apps you have on your phone—here are some tips for you to save on energy consumption while doing so.
Take Inventory
What do you have vs. what do you actually use? A good example – I am an Apple user, so I have an iPhone, MacBook Pro Laptop, an iPad, and an iPod. Phew, that’s a long list. I’m exhausted just talking about it. But, imagine how much energy they consume if they are left running when not in use? I am never running these four devices at once, so when they aren’t being used, guess what they’re doing? With the exception of my phone, all other devices are turned OFF or in SLEEP MODE when not being used. Know what purpose each device serves, and only use them for what they are intended for. The longer the batteries for your devices stay charged, the less often you will have to charge them. Which ultimately means saving electricity and money.
Re-evaluate Your “Need”
This can be a scary concept to grasp for all you folks (and myself) who are constantly connected to everything through our devices. With the emergence of popular apps like SnapChat, Instagram, Tinder, and Candy Crush, it’s almost impossible to stay off our phones, as that is the only way to access many of these apps. However, we must resist the urge to have multiple devices running at once and choose between the Internet or phone apps. How badly do we really NEED to be SnapChatting, posting to Facebook, and checking email at the same time? Pick one over the other, and when you’re done using the device, it’s now acceptable to pick up your phone and start snapping away. Remember, the less time you are glued to your devices, the less energy they are expending.
Play with Settings
Turn your “power saver mode” on, and make sure the brightness of your device isn’t at its maximum. Close out your apps or programs after you’re done with them and ALWAYS remember to unplug any cords from your computer when they aren’t in use. By doing these things, your device will get some extended battery life, making it so that you don’t have to “plug-in” as often.
Deciding when to charge your device can be a challenge. Especially if you run out of power multiple times a day. Do I charge my phone when it still has 30% battery so it will last the whole night, or do I let it die half way through the evening? The struggle is real, people.
For the most part, though, I only charge my devices when they absolutely need to be charged. It’s also important to turn them off when charging so the device isn’t using and taking in energy at the same time. This can leave the device as confused as we were when Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” music video came out. Wait to unplug your device until it’s fully charged so the battery doesn’t start creating a memory that will eventually cause it to drain faster.
And finally, I know it’s tempting, but try NOT to charge your devices overnight. It doesn’t really take a full 8 hours to charge a phone or computer, does it? At maximum, it only takes a couple of hours. So, before you waste all that energy and electricity, be sure it’s sufficiently charged before you crawl into bed – the last thing we want is to miss our morning alarm because the device wasn’t charged enough.
After your technology is good and charged for the day, don’t forget to unplug the chargers from the wall. No matter what the device is (laptop, phone, tablet, camera), this is an essential step in the conservation of energy. And also the conservation of dollar bills in your pocket.
Being obsessed with technology is a country wide pandemic, especially for people who grew up with the stuff or have to use it for work. We are all aware and fully capable of understanding the fact that technology is here to stay. However, there are ways to curb our addiction, as expressed above. If we cut back a little on when we use technology and consciously think about how we use it, it could greatly benefit our lives. Not only will we save energy (which equates to cash!), but we might find a healthier balance between our online and actual social lives.