5 Simple & Clever Ways to Minimize Your Energy Usage

When it comes to consuming energy, we Americans are pretty darn good at it. But, with a few simple tricks, you can minimize your energy usage and drop your electricity bill without feeling like you've even tried.

When it comes to consuming energy, we Americans are pretty darn good at it. But, with a few simple tricks, you can minimize your energy usage and drop your electricity bill without feeling like you’ve even tried. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so if you can remember to consistently follow a couple of these easy methods, you will be golden.

1. Go Out…

Anywhere besides your house. Using someone else’s energy (or none at all) is more enjoyable, anyways. Try to go outside where most of the activities are free, or go to the local library to get work done. Enjoy an evening walk with your family instead of vegging out in front of the TV. Go grab a bite to eat. Go to the gym after work instead of coming home to binge-watch Netflix (guilty). Better yet, here are some awesome activities in New England that are coming up with most of them being at little to no cost. The less time you are in your house doing things like watching movies, cooking, showering, or playing video games, the smaller of a number you will see on your monthly electric bill. Limit time spent doing these activities – or simply go some place else to do them!


2. Cover Up

If you find yourself getting cold (which is quite possible now that the chilly New England weather has arrived), don’t reach for the thermostat. Instead, do as mom always told you and grab a sweatshirt, socks, or blanket. These will get you warm quick so you won’t be as inclined to touch the thermostat!


3. Turn ‘Em Off

This is a no-brainer, but it’s so easy to forget in the midst of our busy days. But, we need to remember to turn lights off when we leave the room. Often times I will be in a rush to get to work on time and forget to shut off my bedroom lights. Not just one light, but three: the overhead light, closet light, and bureau lamp. What happens now? They stay on – ALL day. Simply put, it’s a waste of money and energy to keep lights on when you’re not using the room. By making this a habit, you’ll minimize your energy usage and also put more dollars back into your pocket.



4. Use the Microwave

If you’re only cooking for a couple people, heating up yesterday’s leftovers, or making a side dish, consider using the microwave instead of the stove or oven. Did you know that microwaves use 30-80% less energy than regular ovens do? That’s pretty impressive, and definitely worth the savings when you’re cooking small portions. Since microwaves use high-frequency waves, it also takes way less time to cook things. It’s a win-win! You get to eat faster (thus being more productive) AND save money on your electricity bill at the same time!

Don’t believe me that you can make delicious meals in the microwave? Or just need some inspiration to get you started? Here are some recipes that you can use throughout the whole day. Some them look so good that I might even try one out for myself tonight!


5. Cook Consciously

Whenever you’re cooking on the stove, remember to put a lid on it! Did you know that without a cover on your pot/pan, it uses about 60% more energy than if it was covered? So, next time you’re boiling potatoes or simmering you’re favorite side dish, think of that fact.





*Photo by Steve A. Johnson / CC BY

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