It’s summer again, which means one thing is certain – heat. After a reprieve in the spring, energy consumers are once again thinking about how the seasonal shift in the weather might impact their energy use and monthly electric bills. For many people, the goal in summer is finding the happy place between physical comfort and financial comfort.
We’re helping consumers find the balance so that energy costs don’t get out of control. There are many hacks for reducing air conditioner use, but you can also make lifestyle choices that make it easier to get through the hottest months. Below are five healthy ways you can cool down this summer without using any extra electricity.
Cold Plunge in the Bathtub or Shower
If you’re into the latest health crazes you’ve probably familiar with cold therapy. Many studies now show that there are significant therapeutic benefits to exposing your body to the cold for short periods. In particular, cold water immersion is highly beneficial beyond cooling you down quickly.
Research shows that exposure to cold water can lead to increases in dopamine production, better management of stress, improved insulin sensitivity, protection against cardiovascular diseases and more. Plus, it’s a great way to cool down without using energy since the hot water heater won’t kick on.
True cold water immersion is when you fill a tub with very cold water and sit in the bold water up to your neck for 1-3 minutes. That’s the first piece of good news – it doesn’t take long to feel the positive effects. The other piece of good news is you can get benefits in the shower as well. Instead of sitting in a tub you can stand under the cold water for 1-3 minutes. It’s best to have the water hitting your head or the back of your neck for the biggest health benefits.
What’s most important is the water should be uncomfortably cold, but not freezing. Of course, if you’re trying to chill out during the hot summer months the cold water will be more refreshing than frigid.
Bring Down Your Body Temperature With Breathing
Another healthy habit that’s getting a lot of attention lately is breathwork. Meditation and yoga practitioners have long stated the importance of proper breathing techniques that can be used on their own to relax the body and bring core temperature down.
Deep breathing is considered an effective stress reducer that calms the mind and body. If nothing else, breathing techniques activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which has a calming effect that makes dealing with the heat a lot easier.
One common breathing technique to calm down quickly is deep breathing through one nostril only. You cover one nostril completely, take four deep breaths and then repeat on the other side. Another easy breathing technique is to breathe in deeply through the nose, take another short inhale to completely fill the lungs then slowly breathe out through the mouth.
Surprisingly, a few studies suggest that meditation isn’t the best practice for cooling down. Tibetan monks who are experts at meditation can actually increase their body temperature while meditating.
Stay Hydrated With Cool Water
When you’re hot you may be tempted to pour a glass of ice cold water, but that could end up making you hotter. Research studying hydration in athletes found that cool, not ice cold, water was the most effective at cooling people down. The body’s natural cooling system (sweating) appears to regulate the quickest when a person drinks cool water. Ice cold water might actually increase your temperature as the body works to melt the ice and warm up the cold water.
Eat Plenty of Fruits and Veggies
Summer and popsicles are a classic combination that people of all ages can enjoy, but it isn’t the best way to bring your body temperature down. Instead reach for chilled fruits and vegetables with a high water content. It turns out foods like watermelon are a great way to beat the heat from the inside.
Fruits and vegetables will help you stay hydrated, plus they have minerals that can keep your body balanced for improved body temperature regulation. There’s also very little fat and protein in fruits and vegetables, which is easier for the body to process.
Use Cold Packs Strategically
It turns out there is a way to cool the entire body down by applying cold to the right spots on the body. But where the cold should be applied may surprise you. For years, when someone was overheating we rushed to cover as much of their body with cold water or ice packs as possible thinking that the more they were exposed to cold the better it would be for cooling down. In particular, the focus was cooling down the person’s head.
We now know it’s actually best to place ice packs on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet to cool someone down quickly. The hands and feet are where the highest rate of blood flow occurs, and it’s also where we have special blood vessels that are highly effective at heat removal. As blood moves through the hands and feet it cools the blood that then circulates back to the warm core of the body helping to cool you down. You can also place cold packs on the cheeks and neck to cool yourself down even quicker.
Keep cool this summer with a predictable fixed rate energy plan from Provider Power. See which plans are currently available in your area!