You’ve got the Power: How to Beat Rising Energy Costs

Electricity can be a sneaky thing. It’s always there and sometimes it can be hard to measure. This often leads to rising energy costs, leaving you scratching your head asking, “What happened?”

There are many things that can cause an electric bill to get out of control, but here are a few of the common culprits. Learn how to beat rising energy costs.

There are many things that can cause out of control rising energy costs, but here are a few of the common culprits:

Using out-of-date appliances

There are many things that can cause an electric bill to get out of control, but here are a few of the common culprits. Learn how to beat rising energy costs.

Source: EPA

Today, it can feel like technology, from our cell phones to our refrigerators, need constant updating. While we’re not recommending you buy the latest appliance, it is important to replace old, worn-out tech in the spirit of conserving electricity. Appliances are one of the biggest chunks of your electricity bill, so it’s crucial you’re not running ‘clunkers’ when you should be upgrading to energy-efficient models instead.
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How to Save Green While ‘Going Green’ This Winter

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire is lovely, until you realize all that heat is escaping out of nooks and crannies in your home. Winter is surely on its way and the time to beat high energy costs is now. Here are a few ways you can save green while going green this winter:

Winter is surely on its way and the time to beat high energy costs is now! Here are a few ways you can save green while going green this winter!

Tip #1: Get an energy audit.

The first step in checking your money-saving potential is to hire a professional BPI certified energy rater to evaluate your spaces. This person will conduct what’s called an “energy audit” and he or she will test your home for energy losses and safety issues. Having an idea of what’s costing you the most energy (and money) is a great way to stay informed and stay ahead of fees.
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Blame it on the Rates: Electricity Bill Charges and What it All Means

It’s as easy as flipping on the lights– electricity is quick to use and seemingly immeasurable. Or is it? When the electricity bill comes in the mail, it can be difficult to make sense of the charges and fees; it can leave you wondering, “What am I even paying for?” Let us break it down for you.

When you buy gas, you’re charged by the gallon. When you buy electricity, you’re charged by the kilowatt-hour (kWh). When you use 1000 watts for one hour, that’s a kilowatt-hour. To get kilowatt-hours, take the wattage of the device, multiply by the number of hours you use it, and divide by 1000.

Example calculation: 500watts*10hours=5000/1000=5kWh

When the electricity bill comes in the mail, it can be difficult to make sense of the charges and fees; it can leave you wondering, “What am I even paying for?” Let us break it down for you.
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Community, Green Living Energy Savings, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire

10 Tips to Save Energy this Fall & Winter

It seems fall and winter always come just a little too soon, and we’re forced to say ‘goodbye’ to our shorts, t-shirts, and long days in the sun. As you transition your closet from summer clothes to much warmer layers, it’s important to prepare your home to save energy, as well.

If you haven’t already, spend time thinking about the impact cooler temps and colder precipitation have on your home: heavy, wet snow on your roof, harsh winds sweeping across your home’s siding, and sharp, crisp frost covering your home’s windows. It’s a big seasonal change, and it can have significant impact on your energy bill.

As you transition your closet from summer clothes to much warmer layers, it’s important to prepare your home, as well.

Here are 10 of our favorite energy saving tips as the leaves (and the temperatures) fall:
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You’re Wasting Money on Monthly Expenses: Five Tips for a Lower Energy Bill

Our days are filled with energy usage: from plugging in our phone, microwaving our meals, and keeping our homes at a reasonable temperature (for both the sweltering summer and freezing winter.) We use a ton of energy. We’ve compiled some simple ways to create a lower energy bill, reduce your energy usage, and increase the money leftover in your pocket at the end of every month.

Here are five great tips for making changes around your home without breaking the bank. Tackling all five could result in massive savings on your energy bill!

Looking for ways to lower your monthly budget without buying new appliances? Take a look at these tips for trimming your monthly energy bills without having to invest.
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Simple Tips to Save Money & Energy Around the House

No more thinking or guesswork - Here are some simple ways you can cut back on energy consumption for each room in your home - and save money while doing so!

Have you ever wondered how you can cut energy costs depending on the room you’re in? Now, we take the thinking and guessing out of it. Here are some simple ways you can cut back on energy consumption for each major room in your home.
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