At Provider Power we like to set energy resolutions every New Year. It’s a reminder that we can always do more to optimize energy use and reduce consumption. The problem is only 9% of people follow through on their resolutions.
A big part of the reason why people don’t see resolutions through is because they don’t have a solid plan in place for reaching their goal. They just set a goal, which is only the first step. There are actually five steps to take to improve your chances of reaching your energy resolutions. Let’s walk through the steps now so you can reach your energy resolutions this year!
Step 1 – Set a Measurable, Attainable Goal
Too often people set a huge goal that is admirable but not always reasonable, or they set too many resolutions that divert attention in a lot of directions. Reaching goals starts with setting the right goals.
It’s always best to set goals that are measurable and attainable. Measurable means that you can measure the result to know you’ve reached the goal or you’re getting closer. An example of a measurable energy resolution is the goal to reduce consumption by 5% in the first month. This example is also an attainable goal, which means you can reasonably attain the goal in the given amount of time.
ENERGIZED INFORMATION: How to Save Green While Going Green This Winter
Step 2 – Map Out Milestones for Reaching Your Goal
Once you’ve set a measurable, attainable goal it’s the time to map out how you’ll reach it. Milestones are like mini goals that are hit on the way to reaching your goal. They are what needs to be accomplished first.
Mapping out the milestones is good for two reasons:
They give you direction and keep you moving towards the goal.
Accomplishing milestones encourages you to keep making progress.
Ultimately, mapping out milestones is what makes goal setting actionable. Without milestones the goal may seem like a long ways off and that can make it hard to stay motivated all the way to the end.
Step 3 – Find a Way to Track Your Progress
One of the best things you can do to stay motivated is track your progress. Seeing the progression that’s made is a powerful motivator for a few reasons. For one, you can see yourself getting closer with each milestone that’s hit, and that alone can keep you going. Tracking progress also allows you to see where adjustments need to be made to keep making progress.
The great thing is you might already have a way to track energy resolution – your utility bills! It will tell you how much energy is used month-over-month so you can clearly see if the needle is moving up or down.
Step 4 – Get an Energy Accountability Partner
An accountability partner is someone who you share your goal with and holds you to it. They provide encouragement when your motivation is waning and can help you figure out a solution when you run into a problem.
Accountability partners increase the likelihood of reaching the end goal by as much as 95%! Plus, it’s more fun to share the experience with someone else. Find a friend or family member who is equally interested in energy savings who can keep you accountable. The upside for your accountability partner is they also get to celebrate reaching milestones and hitting the big win once you reach the goal.
Step 5 – Hit Your Goals and Keep Going
If you took the steps above you should be on track to hit your goals – but don’t stop there! Goals are meant to be achieved and for the bar to be set higher. If your goal was to use 5% less power for three months in a row and you do that in May, then set a new goal to reduce energy use by another 5% by August.
As long as you keep progressing that’s what’s most important!
Provider Power will help you reach your energy resolutions every year. From detailed bills that make progress easy to track to personalized assistance choosing a plan that will help you exceed your goals, we’re here for you.
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