During what is usually a quiet period (between Christmas and New Year’s), ENH Power has seen an increase in calls and website enrollments, many new customers citing other electric suppliers who have recently defaulted with ISO New England (due to not being able to meet its commitments to provide power to their customers).
On December 24th, Customers of People’s Power & Gas, and Easy Energy were transferred back to PSNH’s default service, Unitil or the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative. As of 12/31, People’s Power & Gas had cured it default.
Since July of 2012 when ENH Power began selling electricity to Granite State residents, ENH Power put in place the financial resources to enroll every home in New Hampshire. “We don’t offer artificially low fixed rate plans then move customers to variable rate plans. We offer the opportunity for New Hampshire residents to save on their power bill and our rates are always fixed. Customers have responded very well to this model as it offers them the security of being able to plan out their expenses.”
ENH Power is currently purchasing power for more than 50,000 New Hampshire residents and small businesses.
Headquartered in Auburn, Maine, ENH Power (www.enhpower.com) and Electricity Maine (www.electricityme.com) make up the Provider Power family of companies. They are licensed by their respective public utility commissions to sell electricity direct to homeowners and small businesses. ENH Power and Electricity Maine are not aggregators or brokers. These companies are licensed to sell supplier direct to consumers with no middle-man.
Their mission is to strengthen communities by providing residents with competitive rates on the supply portion of their utility bills while partnering with, and providing resources to, non-profit organizations that create positive change in Maine and New Hampshire.
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