(Norrie Crocker and Judy Vardamis)
Electricity Maine has hired Judy Vardamis and Norrie Crocker as Community Outreach Coordinators. Hired to support Electricity Maine’s Power to Help initiative, their primary responsibility is to build relationships with community groups throughout Maine.
The Power to Help Fund helps local organizations do what they do best…help people. Electricity Maine provides the tools and support each group needs to help them maximize their fundraising potential.
“With just 1.3 million people, Maine is one big small town,” says Candace Sanborn, Vice President of Marketing at Electricity Maine. “Mainer’s understand that the health and well-being of our residents, businesses, and communities are interconnected. Through the Power to Help fund, Electricity Maine helps to raise funds and awareness for non-profits and community groups.”
Both Vardamis and Crocker come to Electricity Maine with extensive backgrounds in non-profit and small business development. For more information about Electricity Maine’s Power to Help fund visit www.powertohelpmaine.com
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