Nat Grid Electricity Rates to Soar-Save with Provider Power Mass

Energy Choice Matters, a highly respected website committed to providing timely and in-depth coverage of the competitive retail electric (and natural gas markets), is reporting that National Grid (in Massachusetts) has asked for a new fixed basic service charge of 16.182 ¢/kWh.  This new rate for residential customers would run November 2014 through April 2015.

“National Grid’s new rate in Massachusetts is not a surprise, we fully expect the other utilities to follow suit. When utilities have to change their rates going into the winter heating season, consumers really feel the pinch,” said Emile Clavet, co-owner of ProviderPower Mass.

Media outlets, the utilities themselves, and regulators have had the warning signs up for quite sometime.   Another cold winter, requiring a high demand of natural gas (a key ingredient in electricity production) has been the subject of several media reports across New England, which include:


New Hampshire Business Review

The Portland Press Herald

ppm-sqAs the other utilities in Massachusetts (NSTAR, Unitil, WMECO) set their winter pricing, they will be facing the same market uncertainty.

“Consumers have said they want longer term options, they understand there is security with knowing what they will pay for electricity,” said Clavet.   We only offer fixed rates, no variable rate surprises, and Massachusetts consumers can select from 12 or 24 month plans with ProviderPower Mass.”

Provider Power Mass, part of the Provider Power family of companies (with ENH Power and Electricity Maine) only offers competitive- fixed rates (no variable rate surprises).   Provider Power Mass is currently offering the following rates for residential National Grid customers:

12.8 ¢/kWh (12 months) and 12.5 c/kWh for (24 months).

To receive this great savings, have your power bill handy and visit



Posted on September 23, 2014 in Provider Power Mass

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